Net Promoter Score (NPS) Feedback
Thank you to all of our families who took the time to participate in our recent Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey. Your feedback is crucial in guiding our continuous improvement at Explorers.
From your responses, we’re busy developing and implementing action plans tailored to each Centre.
In the meantime, I’d like to share some of the initiatives happening at Explorers right now, based on your feedback from previous NPS surveys:
Staff Consistency: We’re really pleased that staff consistency is improving as a result of an easing of the labour crisis, enhanced rostering and workforce planning, and an updated employee value proposition and rewards and recognition program. We’re continuing to deliver new initiatives in this space, and we’re committed to being an employer of choice for early learning educational professionals.
Pedagogical Excellence: We’ve engaged Kerrie O’Neill, an expert in the Reggio Emilia approach, to further elevate our educational framework, including:
- Launching our reimagined Enrichment Program, the Framework of Joy, which includes musical theatre, sports, and visual arts.
- Launching and teaching the Explorers Diploma in Early Childhood Education & Care
- Facilitating professional learning in pedagogical practice, inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, at the Explorers Support Office Training Centre.
- Hosting a Study Tour to Reggio Emilia, Italy for 20 of our Educators, to further embed the Reggio Emilia philosophy into our practice.
Artist-in-Residence: We’ve also engaged Danielle O’Leary, an expert in visual arts, to pioneer an art program to enrich our pedagogy (currently being piloted and set for launch soon).
Learning and Development: We’re focused on professional growth and are developing a new Career Pathways program to upskill our Educators.
Menu Innovation: We’re reimagining our menu with direct input from children and Educators.
Communication: We’re continuing to evolve how we communicate with families, including installing large screens in all Centres for timely updates.
Let’s Keep the Conversation Going!
Our next NPS survey will be sent out in the coming months. In the meantime, you’re welcome to provide us with feedback at any time here.
Thank you once again for your feedback and helping shape our commitment to excellence.
More initiatives are underway, and I’ll share more as they progress.
Warm regards
Lynda Salvo