The Explorers Diploma

Explorers is committed to cultivating a culture of learning within our organisation. Therefore, we’re delighted to offer eligible Educators the opportunity to complete the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.

This nationally recognised qualification is delivered and issued by Southern Solutions Training Services (TOID 40902) in collaboration with our Explorers consultant, Kerrie O’Neil. The Explorers Diploma has been tailored to our Reggio Emilia inspired approach to early childhood education.

For more information about this exciting professional development opportunity, please read our FAQs below.

Elevate Your Career

Continue your professional learning and development with Explorers.

We’re accepting expressions of interest to participate in our Explorers Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, commencing February 2024.

Existing Explorers Employees:
Register Your Interest Here

Prospective Explorers Employees:
Register Your Interest Here

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Explorers Diploma?

The Explorers Diploma is a nationally recognised qualification tailored to Explorers and our Reggio Emilia-inspired approach to early childhood education.

Explorers’ employees can enrol and complete their Diploma while actively working at one of our services.

When does the course start and how long does it take to complete?

The Diploma runs throughout the year and we accept expression of interest at any time. It includes monthly face-to-face training with Kerrie O’Neill held at our Southbank training facility.

The course will take approximately 15-18 months to complete.

Who is eligible to apply?

To participate in the Diploma, you must have completed the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30113 or CHC30121).

Will I be paid to do the course?

If you’re a permanent employee, rest assured that you’ll be completing the course as a “trainee”. This means you will be paid for your usual work hours, including attendance at face-to-face training, which will be scheduled during normal business hours.

What other incentives are available?

Educators enrolled in the Diploma should be eligible for the Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment, offering up to $1,250 every six months for full-time apprenticeships, or $625 for part-time, over two years. This support payment is paid by the Australian Government.

Please be aware that all payments received by the employee are treated as taxable income.

Who is the training provider?

For us to deliver a nationally recognised qualification, we are partnering with Southern Solutions Training Services (SSTS) which is one of Australia’s most highly regarded training providers.

Can I do the course if I'm a casual employee?

Unfortunately, the Explorers Diploma is only available for permanent employees. If you are currently employed as a casual at Explorers and are interested in joining the course, we would be happy to explore the possibility of transitioning your employment status to a permanent role!