10 Essential Tips for Flying with Toddlers and Young Children

6 December 2023

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Worried about how your toddler will fare up in the air? Read on for our must-read tips from packing to landing 🛫

Planning a family holiday interstate or overseas is a buzz of anticipation and excitement. However, it also presents challenges if you have a toddler in tow. From squishy cabins to long lines, flying with toddlers and young children can take a heavy toll on the whole family.

However, many stressful flights with toddlers often arise from poor planning or little preparation. So, we’ve compiled a handy list of tips and tricks to ensure you and your toddler are fully prepared for take-off this holiday season!

1. Fly Direct (If You Can)

While it may seem like a good idea to have a layover where your toddler can rest up between long flights – or burn off energy – it may only compound the issue as they have to relive the experience all over again. And if you’re doing the same on return, what could be two flights suddenly balloons to four, five, or as many as six. And when you have a fidgety toddler, every minute in the air counts.

Therefore, fly direct if you have the choice. This increases the likelihood of a stress-free flight as your toddler may sleep for most, if not all, of the trip. And if your toddler is having a hard time, it’s better to get it over and done with.

2. Get up Early (Or Fly Nights)

If your toddler’s an early riser, try to book an early departure (if possible). This lessens the likelihood of delays, which can be stressful whether you’re four or forty. According to the Huffington Post and AirHelp, delays peak at around 6pm, and are at their lowest between 6am – 11am. This is largely due to less runway traffic, more planes ready to fly from the night before, and less planes in the air overall.

Conversely, if you’re traveling long-haul, consider a late-night flight. This can work in your favour as toddlers will be exhausted from a long day of packing and prepping. If you’re lucky, they’ll sleep through the whole thing!

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3. Wear Comfy Clothing

Dress your toddler in comfortable layers for the flight. Airplane cabins can vary in temperature, so having extra layers allows you to adjust accordingly – this applies to parents too!

Moreover, consider packing a familiar blanket or stuffed animal for added comfort and a sense of security, along with any special pillows or neck cushions to ensure your toddler gets their rest.

4. Consider the Window Seat

While the aisle seat provides easier access to the bathroom, it isn’t ideal for young children.

Often, toddlers don’t quite know how to keep their hands and feet to themselves. Therefore, they might dangle them in the aisles and accidently knock passing passengers or flight attendants. Importantly, this can be dangerous if they’re carrying hot food or drinks. At the very least it’ll lead to some awkward apologies if your toddler kicks a stranger.

Consider seating your toddler by a window to keep them entertained. Alternatively, a seat between two parents/guardians shares the responsibility of keeping them busy.

5. Pack Healthy Snacks

While most airlines will provide meals on longer flights, it’s a good idea to pack extra snacks and drinks for your toddler with plenty of variety. Additionally, be sure to pack healthy options along with a few treats to keep them satisfied during the flight and don’t forget a spill-proof cup to avoid any potential messes.

However, keep your toddler’s nutrition in mind when packing snacks. Foods high in sugar are likely to cause sugar highs and crashes, so try to bring snacks high in protein and healthy fats and minimise sweets.  

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6. Remember – Entertainment is Key

When flying with toddlers, activities are a great way to spark excitement and – most importantly – serve as an educational distraction during those long flights. A little novelty goes a long way for a two-year-old and something as simple as a busy book, colouring activity, sticker book, or magnetic drawing board can do wonders for those long and sometimes arduous flights.

Many airlines provide free children’s packs that might contain some activity books and small toys. If you’re not sure, it never hurts to ask your flight attendant.

Additionally, while too much screen time can impact toddlers long-term, the occasional longer stint isn’t the end of the world – especially if it keeps your toddler calm and you sane on a long flight! If you find your toddler loves watching educational YouTube videos or colouring in on an iPad, try not to feel guilty – just be sure to bring toddler-friendly headphones.

7. Talk to Your Toddler Beforehand

As is the case with many toddlers’ outbursts, much of the anxiety arises from experiencing something unexpected. Therefore, if you leave your toddler in the dark, they won’t be mentally or emotionally prepared for the experience.

Instead, have a sit down and talk with your toddler about exactly what to expect. Map out the journey from packing to landing. It’s a pretty exciting and amazing experience for toddlers, so try and lean into the fantastical and exciting elements. Picture books are a handy way to build on the discussion and spark excitement:

  • Maisy Goes by Plane by Lucy Cousins
  • Hello World! Planes and Other Flying Machines by Jill McDonald
  • Where Do Jet Planes Sleep at Night by Brianna Caplan Sayres
  • Little World: At the Airport by Ladybird
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8. Board Last

Most airlines will invite families traveling with young children to board first. However, if you’re travelling with a partner or family members, have them board with your carry-on essentials first so you and your toddler can board last.

Simply put, your toddler will spend less time sitting down and strapped in. Additionally, the cabin can quickly feel a little claustrophobic for toddlers with all the noise and commotion of complete strangers talking and stowing away their carry-on baggage.

9. To Gate Check or Not To Gate Check?

While it’s tempting to baggage check your stroller or baby gear, opt for gate checking if your airline allows it (be sure to research this beforehand). Gate checking a stroller or bulky baby gear will save you a lot of stress and worry as you won’t have to carry your toddler around after checking your baggage. Also, it’ll be waiting for you once you land.

Just be sure to tag your baby gear appropriately and to speak with the gate agent at the airport.   

10. Stay Calm and Be Prepared

Be sure to anticipate that there may be challenging moments during the flight. However, instead of agonising over something that may not even happen, try and stay calm and be prepared for unexpected situations.

Bring a small first aid kit, extra nappies, and some changes of clothes in case of spills or accidents. Importantly, keeping calm fosters a positive and grounding atmosphere for both you and your toddler.

Ultimately, flying with a toddler doesn’t need to come with all the stress. With proper preparation, the right mindset, and plenty of patience, you can give your family the best chance of a cruisy flight this summer. After all, holidays are supposed to be for rest and relaxation! So, keep these tips and tricks in mind for a stress-free, memory-filled holiday season. Happy travels!

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